Resilience _ Lavi Picu Art

Under the blue _ Lavi Picu Art

Blue Days _ Lavi Picu Art

Love Craddle _ Lavi Picu Art_SOLD

Masquerade _ Lavi Picu Art
November 14
Musée régional de Vaudreuil-Soulanges
431, avenue Saint-Charles, Vaudreuil-Dorion ,QC
Join us for an immersive experience at the Regional Museum of Vaudreuil -Soulange, an event reuniting 100 visual artists, a fundraiser and a silent auction meant to help the museum!
Discover the “THE CONVERSATION” , a BBC World Service podcast, where Ella Al-Shamahi, the host of the show, talks to two women from different parts of the world, united by a common passion, experience or expertise, share the stories of their lives.
In this episode, I am one of the show’s guests , along with a fabulous writer, Polly Crosby, and we share our experiences with chronic illness and how it fuelled our creativity.
Attend the last Apéro littéraire of 2024 in the company of six essential poets! Slam, poetry and spoken word will parade throughout the evening! Once again, the host of the evening Sandra Gasana will host the last literary aperitif of 2024! Wine and appetizers included with the entrance fee!
November 30
George Laoun Opticien
4012 R. Saint-Denis, Montréal, QC
A series of sculptures realized with thousands of needles, pins, push pins, glass beads and pearls, a window into the reality of living with chronic pain, specifically the altered sensations caused by conditions like paraesthesia, dysesthesia and allodynia.
Needlism Series
A series of fluorescent artworks that illustrate the hidden messages of Lyme disease. A series that starts in 2D and ends in 3D. A series where artworks change colors as they come alive viewed under UV black light, and reveal symbolic representations of the invisible struggles faced by individuals with Lyme disease.
Fluorescent Series
Ink Series
A series of ink drawings, a surreal, graphic journey into the interior of the human brain, where in an amalgam of thoughts, pains, textures and depths, you find an intricate design of motifs with multiple simultaneous focal points, where the perspective changes as your eyes move along the drawing, creating an optical illusion.