Collaborations with UAPMR

Towards the end of this year I had the pleasure to work on two projects organized by the Union of Romanian Plastic Artists and Musicians in Canada  (UAPMR). UAPMR is  a Montreal-based NGO established in 2022 by Mrs. Rodica Vinca, member of Canada Artist Federation, a talented and vibrant Romanian multidisciplinary artist, who managed to gather around over hundred Romanian artists and art lovers throughout Canada .



UAPMR’s  mission is to promote the Romanian artists, organize cultural events, art exhibitions and carry on the Romanian legacy on Canadian soil.
The first project organized by the UAPMR  in 2022 was an art exhibition that took place at end of October, where 12 talented Romanian artists had their artworks on display for a few days.

The exhibiting artists were eleven painters and a sculptor: Daniela Muset, Maggie Romanovici, Doina Falcon, Carmen Ileana, Ryan Ilinca, Rodica Vinca, Octav Bibere, Carmen Smutneac, Aurica Sumarga, Lavi Picu (myself), and Catalin Domniteanu, .

To watch what the exhibiting artists had to say about the launch of UAPMR, click here!

The vernissage took pace on November 5th, 2022 and it was hosted by “Casa Romana”, located right next to the Romanian Orthodox Cathedral, at 8080 ave. Cristophe-Colomb, Montreal.

In the above images you can see the abstract paintings and the fluid art artworks that I displayed at this event.

It was a great pleasure to exhibit these talented and inspiring artists, and get to know some of them a bit more. I look forward to seeing or working with them again.


The second project of UAPMR consisted of the creation of a tetraptych  by four artists: Rodica Vinca, the president of UAPMR, Maggie Romanovici, Anca Ciupitu and myself. Each one of the four paintings is depicting the Romanian identity through landmarks, landscapes and cultural symbols.

The tetraptych, “Romanie, plai de dor”, which you can see in the image above, was donated by the four artists to the “Casa Romana” and installed on December 18th, 2022.

Here below you can see a close up to my painting, “Pelicans in the sunset”, an acrylic artwork illustrating a sunset in Danube’s Delta, in the surroundings of Sulina’s lighthouse.

On January 24th,  Romania commemorates the unification of the Romanian Principalities (Moldavia and Wallachia), also known as the "Little Union", ( 24 January 1859), which represented the first step towards the creation of the modern Romanian state.

Thus next year, on this symbolical day,  father Liviu Alexandrescu will officially give his blessing for this latter project of UAPMR at “Casa Romana”, located on 8080 ave Cristopher Colomb, Montreal.

Both of the events were documented by the Romanian newspaper Zig-Zag, the media partner of UAPMR, who graciously allowed the artists to talk about their work, as well as by the journalist Adrian Ardelean in his show at MRTV-ca.

A big thank you to UAPMR for turning these two beautiful projects into reality , as well as to its collaborators: the Romanian -Canadian newspaper Zig-Zag, the Multicultural , and more precisely to Cristina Sofronie and Adrian Ardelean!

Wishing you all Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year 2022, full of inspiration, exciting art projects, success in all of your endeavors!


Altérité Exhibition - Black History Month


Et après Exhibition - Library MCC