Liminality and Art: Finding Strength in the In-Between

As a multidisciplinary artist navigating the tumultuous waters of chronic illness, I’ve come to embrace the concept of liminality in both my life and my work. For those unfamiliar, liminality refers to the transitional phase or state of being in-between, a threshold that bridges what was and what will be. It’s a space of ambiguity and potential, a realm where boundaries blur and new possibilities emerge.

Living with chronic illnesses like Lyme and Lupus often feels like a continuous journey through this liminal space. I exist in a state where health and sickness intersect, where every day is a negotiation between my aspirations and my limitations. I never know how I will feel later on during the day. I tell myself: “It could go well, or it could go wrong. One way to find out! Accept it and go with it!” This perpetual in-betweenness is challenging, but it’s also where my art finds its deepest resonance and where I discover a profound sense of strength and resilience.

The Healing Power of Creation

Art, for me, is more than just a mode of expression; it’s a lifeline. The process of creating allows me to externalize my inner turmoil, to transform pain and uncertainty into something tangible and beautiful. When I paint, sculpt, or write, I enter a meditative state where the physical symptoms of my illnesses recede into the background. My studio becomes a sanctuary, a liminal space where time loses its grip, and I am free to explore the depths of my experience without the constraints of my body's limitations.

In this creative process, I find a powerful antidote to the feelings of helplessness that often accompany chronic illness. Art grants me agency, a way to assert control over my narrative. Through my work, I can communicate the complexities of my existence, shedding light on the invisible struggles that many with chronic illnesses face. It’s a form of self-advocacy and a testament to the resilience of the human spirit.

Exploring Liminality Through Art

Liminality is a recurring theme in my art. I am drawn to the spaces where opposites meet and coexist, where light merges with shadow, and where the defined dissolves into the undefined. My acrylic artworks often feature layers upon layers, reflecting the complexity and multifaceted nature of living with chronic illness. Textures blend and overlap, creating a sense of depth and movement that mirrors my journey through the unpredictable landscape of my health.

One of my favorite techniques is to juxtapose elements that symbolize fragility and strength. Delicate lines interweave with bold strokes, brittle materials are reinforced with sturdy ones. These contrasts serve as a visual metaphor for my daily existence, highlighting the delicate balance I strive to maintain between vulnerability and resilience.

Art as a Bridge

In these liminal spaces, I find not only a reflection of my struggles but also a bridge to a wider community. Art has the unique ability to transcend personal boundaries and connect us on a deeper level. When I share my work, I invite others into my liminal world, fostering empathy and understanding. Throughout the years, I’ve received messages from people around the world who see their own experiences mirrored in my art. During the vernissages of the past four exhibitions, I had more than six persons that opened up to me and shared their personal traumas or health struggles with chronic illness, just because they were touched by my art. These connections are a source of immense comfort and strength, reminding me that while our journeys may be solitary, we are never truly alone.

Embracing the In-Between

Navigating the dual challenges of Lyme and Lupus (more recently) has taught me to embrace the in-between, to find beauty in the uncertainty and strength in the struggle. Art has been my constant companion on this journey, a beacon of light in the darkest of times. It empowers me to transform my pain into something meaningful, to give voice to my experience, and to connect with others in profound and unexpected ways.

For anyone grappling with chronic illness or any form of liminality in their lives, I encourage you to explore the transformative power of art. Seven years ago when my doctor suggested to me Art Therapy for pain management, I thought she was crazy. Now, I am forever grateful that I listened to her! Therefore, whether through painting, writing, music, or any other form of creative expression, you may find a sanctuary, a voice, and a bridge to a community that understands.

Thank you for joining me on this journey. Together, let us celebrate the strength found in the in-between and the healing power of art.


Navigating the Canvas of Chronic Illness: How My Body Shapes My Art


Between Lupus and Lyme: A Journey Through Art